Here are some of his friends :
| Johann Friedrich Reichardt 1752-1814, court chapelmaster in Berlin-Potsdam and Kassel, he wrote journey reports, music criticisms, composed over 1000 lieds as well as the first german lied-games. He took Franz Gareis 1800 along to Berlin, where he, under others, painted the crownprince and son of Friedrich Wilhelm II. in lifesize. Reichardt met Franz Gareis also in Paris. |
| Ludwig Tieck 1773-1853, poet, he is with A.W. and F. von Schlegel the founder of the early period of romanticism in Jena. Some works (original titles see german version) : 1795 Story of Mr.William Lovell 1796 The blond Eckbert 1797 Knight Blaubart 1797 The booted tom-cat 1798 Franz Sternbalds walking tours (here are parallels to the life of Franz Gareis recognizable) 1799 Prince Zerbino 1800 Life and death of the holy Genoveva 1826 The sedition in the Cevenns 1839 The plenty of life 1840 Vittoria Accorombona; Tieck wrote 1798 a letter to Goethe, where he think of Franz Gareis with very flattering words. Franz Gareis painted Tiecks daughter Dorothea, who was born 1799. |
| August Wilhelm Schlegel 1767-1845, critician and linguist, he came to Jena in 1795 and was co-worker at Schillers 'Horen' and 'Musenalmanach', 1798-1800 he was, with his brother Friedrich, the publisher of the 'Athenäum', he made some journeys through Europe and was since 1818 professor in Bonn, co-founder of the old-indian philology, translation of Dante, Calderon and especially Shakespeare (17 drama). Franz Gareis wrote to him in 1799 two letters from Giebichenstein, where he consolate him refered to a wanted work. |
| Friedrich Schlegel 1772-1829, author, culture philosoph and linguist, he came to Jena in 1796 and co-worked at Wielands 'Merkur', he studied oriental languages in Paris, was then political and scientifical active in Vienna and 1815-1818 austrian counsellor in the Bundestag of Frankfurt, 1820-1823 he was editor of the conservative magazine 'Concordia'. Some works : 1798 History of poetry of the Greeks and Romans 1799 Lucinde 1802 Alarcos 1808 The language and wisdom of the Indians 1815 History of the old and new literature |