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The Gareis Family

Johann Gareis 1745 - 1809

  • District Elbogen in Bohemia

  • Who knows his future, who can draw a line, if only the present as a cardinal point is available. Where we go, we can only dream of, but what was, that stays unchangeable. If we are able to discover it, then we can share the sorrows and hopes of our ancestors, we see them thrive and die, and are aware, that not only their blood continues living in us, in particular, that it is the remembrance, which makes them immortal. In our memory they awake to new life, and more honour we cannot redound to them.

    Johann Gareis is a descendant of a Lord of Manor's family in Hermannsgrün in Bohemia. His father has moved 1738 as a brewermaster from Bohemia to the Saxon Marienthal, which belongs to Ostritz today. Here I want to present the sons of Johann Gareis, from which the sculptor Joseph is my direct ancestor. They are all born in the settlement Klosterfreiheit, which also belongs to Ostritz today.

  • Franz Gareis, art-painter, 1775-1803
    ! Special Exhibition, Kulturhistorisches Museum Görlitz, 29.11.2003 - 29.2.2004

  • Joseph Gareis, sculptor, 1778-1844

  • Gottlieb Gareis, chamber musician, 1781-1859

  • Johann Gareis, joinermaster, 1785-1856

  • Bartholomäus Gareis, central cashier, 1789-1859

  • Anton Gareis, art-painter, 1793-1863

  • © 1997-2003, Frank Gareis, gaes@gmx.de